Code for Gender, Code for Growth

Code for gender, Code for Growth is a global movement that utilizes technology as a basis to bridge communities of diversity and to establish gender friendly technology ecological systems.

To support fresh graduates as well as career transferring females for the next 10 years, Womany is partnering with Google to utilize technology in order to provide guidance for female workplace talents in the midst of a blistering technology transforming world.

Three courses, three community gatherings, and a Hackathon are planned and catered for our participants in order to provide guidance in the technology community for continuous growth, diversified development, and building leaders with confidence.

Participants who attend all five of the events above will be able to join with members from Google Champion in a selected in-depth discussion and create more connections with Google.

Create D&I and D&L

Create D&I and D&L

Through CFG, we hope to build talents of all genders, races, sexual orientations and communities with experience of D&I and to integrate and showcase D&L,ensuring the industries to have adequate experience in the next 10 years.

Expanding diversity pool

Expanding diversity pool

The definition of an expanding diversity pool is to include talents who do not come from technical backgrounds, but are strong strategic thinkers and acute learners to contribute new perspectives to the development of technology.

Series of Events

In addition to the opening ceremony speech, additional courses and activities will also be included in the event. Through sharing our experience and the exchange of some of the most abreast information in the industry, we are hoping to provide career guidance for our participants in order to have them prepared for the upcoming challenges in the next 10 years.

Event Guideline

Deadline for Early Registration (full)

2021/3/31 (Wed) - 2021/4/08 (Thur)

The CFG early registration has been closed. Registration for CFG Hackathon on 9/26 will be open soon. Applicants are invited to fill up your contact information below for the latest updates on CFG Hackathon September.


  1. 1. Applicants ranging from fresh graduates who are interested in the tech industry to workplace talents who are looking to transfer into the tech industry are welcome to participate in the event. (Programming background is not required)
  2. 2. Early registration is restricted only to applicants who are able to attend all five events. (100 early applicants are limited to the first round event) If openings remain available, new registration for the Opening Ceremony will be released on April 12th 2021.

Registration fees

The event will be free of charge. Participants who are not able to attend the event shall notify us no later than 5 days before the event. Participants who violate the terms will be blacklisted.

Application Review

  1. 1. As we have limited openings, applications with the most complete descriptions including the reason for applying will be prioritized.
  2. 2. An official admission letter will be sent from Womany to applicants who are admitted on the 9th of April. Applicants who failed to be admitted will not receive any further notice.

How To Apply for Registration

  1. 1. Please take note of the schedule for each event and courses before applying online.
  2. 2. In order to reserve your rights, please ensure the accuracy of your personal information before submitting the application.
  3. 3. Participants who attend ALL five events will be joined by Google Champion and conduct an in-depth discussion on selected themes.
  4. 4. Participants who are not able to attend the event shall provide a notice no later than 5 days before the event. Participants who fail to provide notice will be replaced by a new applicant. (Reach out to us at [email protected] for more information or related questions)

Location of Event

Opening Ceremony: Avenue Square (No. 92, Section 2, Anhe Road, Da’an DistrictTaipei City)

Frequently Asked Questions

How to apply for the event?

Thank you for your interest in our event, to apply for the event, please click on the register now button above. There will be no physical ticket after the registration, we will verify your personal information based on the information you provided on the day of the event.

Entry on the day of the event.

Please check in at the event counter on the day of the event. Our staff will verify your personal information at the counter. There will be no physical ticket on the day of the event.

Can I register at the event?

To ensure the rights for each participant, The CFG event can only be applied online.

How do I remove myself from the event?

If you are not able to attend the event due to personal reasons, please make sure to notify us no later than five days prior to the event. Reach out to us and provide your name, email and phone number and we will take care of the rest ! (example, please notify us on 8/1 if the date of the event is on 8/6)

*We will not accept any refund or cancelation two days before the event but we encourage you to transfer your entry to either your friends or people who are interested in the event*

Regulation source : The Ministry of Culture's art and cultural performance

Other questions related to special needs such as parent-child seating, disability seating, etc. Please contact us at [email protected] in order for use to further assist your needs. Thank you!

Other questions

Other questions related to special needs such as parent-child seating, disability seating, etc. Please contact us at [email protected] in order for use to further assist your needs. Thank you!

Strategic Alliance



Build a D&I World, Live a Holistic life.
Strategic Partner

Strategic Partner

Global Data Gathering, Open for Public Use, Benefit Our Society.
Special Thanks To Alfred System Inc.

Special Thanks To Alfred System Inc.

Simple security at your fingertips.

Womany Media Group, Code for Gender by Womany Media Group was nominated for 2019 WSIS Prizes by the United Nation Geneva Project, utilizing ICT in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)