#CodeforGender, hack for a better world.

女人迷 womany.net

#CodeforGender, hack for a better world.

Our Mission

#CodeforGender's mission is to build a people-centric and gender-friendly ecosystem.





Sex Ratio




Cities of Participant



Our Movement

Our Achievement

1st #CodeforGender Hackathon


First Hackathon for gender equality in the Chinese speaking world, also the milestone in Taiwan's gender equality.

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Code for Gender, Code for Growth

2021.04 - 2021.09

This year, Womany collaborates with Google to support women, newcomers and job-changers. empowering people to use digital tools to develop their advantages, and lead themselves in the era of technological transformation to create growth in the next decade.

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What participants say

What participants say

Verified view from celebrities

in alphabetical order

in alphabetical order

Wei-Bin Lee

Wei-Bin Lee

Commissioner of Department Of InformationTechnology, Taipei City Government

"Hackathon aims to discuss different themes with public. Womany have been striving for gender issues, and make #codeforgender Hackathon possible, uniting government and the public to find a suitable way out."
Vincent Shih

Vincent Shih

General Manager of Corporate, External and Legal Affairs of Microsoft Taiwan

"The Hackathon hosted by womany is different from others. Usually participants would be exhausted in the second day, yet here, they still work with enthusiasm.There are lots of cross-over, extraordinary!"
Rex How

Rex How

Founder and Chairman of Locus Publishing

"From this outcome of #codeforgender, we can see that Taiwan's future is full of hope.Gender stereotype is the cause of all violence. The way we choose to deal with gender is how we deal with violence."
Hsiu-yuan Chang

Hsiu-yuan Chang

Director of Department of Protection Services, Ministry of Health and Welfare

"For the one who takes parts in #codeforgender Hackathon, you've arleady took a huge step toward gender violence prevention."
Wei-Shuan Chang

Wei-Shuan Chang

Founder and CEO of Womany

"The purpose of #codeforgender Hackathon is to connect people, to realize the problem and to find the solution out together. Every single group is helping the society to be a better place, helping us reach the dark side and offer helps."
Amos Huang

Amos Huang

Founder and CEO of Viscovery

"These days, more science and technology are used. In #codeforgender Hackathon, there are various technique, e.g. Artificial Intelligence of big data, robot dialogue. The vision of participants is very board."
Jaclyn Tsai

Jaclyn Tsai

Co-founder of vTaiwan.tw

"The greatest power of changement always come from civil. I am pleased to participate in #codeforgender Hackathon, which more than half of the participants are women."
Hsiao-wei Chiu

Hsiao-wei Chiu

Co-founder of g0v

"Through the #codeforgender Hackathon, we realize the problem, and search for the solution together. Looking forward to the innovation and development of civic science and technology in gender field."
Cjin Cheng

Cjin Cheng

Venture Partner of 500 Startups

"Technology is used to simplify the problem to solution. Gender is the only physiological difference from us, through technology, we can connect mentally with each other."

As Seen In

  • inside 的網路觀察
  • 數位時代
  • 科技報橘
  • 原住民電視台
  • 聯合新聞網
  • 台灣醒報
  • 工商時報
  • 中央通訊社


  • Pyladies
  • G0V 零時政府
  • rails girls

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We are looking for allies and partners. Mail to [email protected] for more info :)

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